Have you come across this? It perfectly sums up why training and education has to be ongoing throughout life ...
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The video also illustrates why we can never hope to keep ahead of what there is to know. Instead of trying to cram knowledge, we would be better to teach skills on how to recover knowledge, or where to go to find out more Just In Time for when we need it.
Another skill becoming increasingly necessary in our ever changing world,is critical thinking: 'How do I know what I find can be trusted?' That's a skill trainers will find difficult to pass on, because in an increasingly complex world we meet people in virtual environments and research purchases through simulations and snippets of information. Your trainees will go into those environments and later make decisions that impact on their workplaces. Critical thinking is vital in business but if you're working in a virtual environment - what is real?
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Are you ready to experience the thrill and excitement of playing online
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1 year ago