When considering a training course we often brainstorm ways to motivate trainees to stick at the course, complete the course tasks and interact with enthusiasm when they participate in the face-to-face class or online activities.
But what about the course tutors? Where do they get their motivation?
The course tutors have to be motivated in order to enthuse the course participants they work with. Otherwise a general malaise infects the whole course.
Tutor energy can flag for a number of reasons:
- General overload at work or home
- A lack of feedback (especially in online courses)
- The lack of motivation of the course participants (especially if they are there because of outside motivation like ‘my employer said ...’)
To maintain enthusiasm the course has to change and grow; it needs to respond to the needs of course participants; and it needs to give back value and meaning to the tutor. We are social animals. We need to feel connected. We need to feel that what we give out has a positive effect on the lives of others. Course tutors are no different.
I have been confronted with this dilemma over recent days as I support people into creating courses for an online community of learning called eBrainz (www.ebrainz.net.nz). These people are skilled at what they do but few have had tutoring experience, and then mostly in face-to-face courses. Moving into the realm of online is a big leap for them.
I am finding that I have had to develop an ‘ear’ for translating their fears (evidenced by procrastination) and removing the barriers. In short I am finding I am moving into a motivational role. And that’s scary for me.
Luckily I have found a great book called: The Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard, Founder of the Experts Academy. Despite the title the book is about creating community online and sharing your knowledge – and that’s just what I believe eBrainz is about.
Anyone interested in sharing the ride? Take a look at www.ebrainz.net.nz and see for yourself. Become a member of our community, either creating a course, or registering a request for a course you would like to do online.
Happy course creation
From the Team at eBrainz
Phone 64-3-525-7073
Phone 64-3-337-0234