A long time ago a family member sent me an email with the story of The Mayonnaise Jar and the Two Cups of Coffee. It still sits in my Inbox. Every few months I clear out unwanted emails so this item has gravitated to the bottom (the oldest item), because I just don’t want to get rid of it. I don’t get to see it often, but I always smile when I do.
The reason I do see it is that occasionally one of those no-subject spam items arrives in my Inbox and Outlook drops it down to the bottom. I know where I have to go to send it packing to the trash can, but instead of getting mad at the spammer I’m delighted once again because as the spam is deleted from the Inbox the story of The Mayonnaise Jar and the Two Cups of Coffee comes back up on screen. Click this link and I’ll share it with you. Have a great day and at least one cup of coffee with a friend.
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will del...
1 year ago
It's an old story and a common game in every time management seminar I've been to, but the coffee is a new slant for me.
ReplyDeleteI can see why you return to this one every once and a while. Thank you.